A year in preview

Stefan Dorresteijn
2 min readJan 1, 2019

Every year, we look back and tell the stories of our last 365 days. We take the good, we take the bad, we sling it at a dictionary and put it on the internet. I’ve been guilty of doing witty write-ups myself but feel there’s a slight oversaturation of semi-memorable events for us to chew through, so I’m just going to look ahead. Why would we look back anyway? That’s not where we’re going.

All cliches aside, 2019 is going to be an interesting year. The world seems to be entirely confused about what it wants and the deadlines on some of the most important decisions we’ve made in a while are coming ever closer. The UK is trying to break up with the EU, but the EU is all like “Yeah but you’re not getting your hoodie back”, the US will have primaries for their 2020 elections when the Democrats are going to try to replace The Donald, and finally, the entire world needs to decide whether we prefer gas vehicles over polar bears (or something like that.)

Socially, we live in exciting times as well. Everyone’s becoming more tolerant, or less tolerant, depending on who you ask. Lying has become commonplace, or so I’ve been told by very reputable sources. Genders can’t be assumed, meat shan’t be consumed, and Kevin Spacey is doomed. Oh, I hear FX just announced their new show: “Comedians in cars are apologizing for their sexual deviancy”. I think two seasons will air before the host gets fired for tweets he posted 5 years ago.

Personally, I’m really looking forward to continuing to live. I’ve got a lot going for me right now that I’d like to keep working on in 2019. I just really think I can get that 300th Twitter follower this year if I don’t give up and delete all my social media before that happens. I might be moving to London, which if Theresa May gets her way will soon be on a different continent. (I’m pretty sure that’s what Brexit means.) I also now have a podcast to keep working on and am excited about the conversations I’m going to be having this year. I’ve already recorded some of the most interesting conversations I’ve had in a long time and can’t wait to see who I’ll be talking to next.

I could drag this piece out to no end but I wanted to just say a quick couple of words. I want to ask you, whoever you are, to have more conversations with people you don’t know and maybe don’t understand. If you’re an atheist or Christian, ask a Muslim about their views. If you’re a straight, white male like me, talk to someone from a minority group and try to understand their struggle. If we all try to be a bit more understanding and show a tad more willingness to learn about one another, I think we can make this a really good year.

See you again in 365 days.

